Wednesday 18 July 2012


Surfs up at Broadgate!
Broadgate presents ‘Surf in the City’

Monday 9 July – Friday 13 July 2012
Broadgate Circle, Broadgate, London

Broadgate is tempting Londoners away from their desks and onto the waves this summer with its very own Flowrider surf machine.

Surf in the City arrives at Broadgate for one week from 9 July absolutely free.  The internet isn’t the only thing that workers will be surfing this July!

Broadgate is challenging workers to raise the stakes on their ordinary week, and to pit their athletic ability against the power of the ocean waves, on a FlowRider Mobile that pumps over a trampoline-like surface at over 30 miles per hour.  Teams are invited to compete for a £500 cash prize, based on surfing ability and the number of tricks they can do.

With hour-long slots available from 11am-7pm Monday to Thursday and 10am to 6pm on Friday, teams are urged to reserve their place online now at Each slot is for two groups of four and each session will include a safety video and a demonstration by the instructor.  Wetsuits, changing rooms and locker facilities will be provided.

Mark Evans, Estate Director at Broadgate says “We wanted the opportunity to revolutionise the typical working day and offer something fun, free and adventurous this summer. Flowrider was the perfect fit.  After all, how many people can say they’ve surfed in the Square Mile?!”

Broadgate hosting Flowrider surf machine
WHEN: Wednesday 9 July – Friday 13 July 2012
WHERE: Broadgate Circle, London, EC2M 2QS

Situated in the heart of the City of London's Square Mile, Broadgate is much more than a geographical area.  It’s a dynamic, thriving business community, home to some of the world’s biggest corporations and top professional practices where over 30,000 people work each day. There are five distinct areas that make up Broadgate; Broadgate Circle, Exchange Square, Broadgate Plaza, Finsbury Avenue Square and Bishopsgate.  The squares, terraces, colonnades and piazzas provide a perfect setting for people to meet, eat, talk, shop, enjoy the entertainment on offer or merely watch the world go by.

Wave Loch
A California-based company with over 150 global installations founded by human generated surf pioneer Thomas J Lochtefeld.  Wave Loch are the world leaders in surf technology.  The FlowBoarding is a skill based activity that is a hybrid of skateboarding, surfing and snowboarding.  The FlowRider is specially designed to provide a safe, fun, thrilling experience for the user and pumps water over a trampoline-like surface at over 30 MPH.

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