Wednesday 14 January 2009


Four million Brits still recovering from the festive season
5% say brains don’t function at all during January

As the second week in January begins, research by drench spring water reveals that over four million Brits are still yet to mentally recover from the festive party season and get their brains back into ‘work mode’.

While the physical effects of overindulgence over the festive season may have only lasted a few hours, it can take its toll on mental performance for weeks to come. Over 8 million of us (28.8%) feel that our brains are still functioning at less than 50% capacity and nearly 5% say their brains don’t function at their best until February.

Over half (53.2%) of all people questioned revealed that they struggle with concentration, alertness, memory and conversation throughout January, with concentration levels being affected the most (19.5%).

The research also discovered that nearly three-quarters (71%) of people are not fully recovered from a weekend night out by the time they get to work on a regular Monday morning, with 15% of people taking until Wednesday or beyond to get their brains back in gear.

Dr Jack Lewis, a neuroscientist and the drench mental hydration expert commented: “Every single biological process in your body is dependent on a delicate balance between many different chemicals, which must each be at just the right concentration. Overindulgence during the festive season can disrupt this balance and have a serious affect on mental performance at work. One of the solutions is a plentiful supply of water, as it reduces chemical stress on the brain ensuring it can work to the best of its potential.”

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About drench®

drench® is a 100% clear, crisp spring water that is bottled straight from a spring in Yorkshire after being filtered through Sandstone for 50 years. It is available in 500ml, 750ml, 1.5L and 2L bottles and can be found on the shelves of most major supermarkets – Tesco, Asda, Morrisons, Somerfield and Waitrose, and in independent retailers’ chillers across the country.

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